The Teenage Girls Programme has brought joy and poise to thousands of young girls since it was piloted in 2019. It’s attracting the attention of wonderful supporters and volunteers.

In April, Pat from the Teddy Bear Foundation and ENKE youth service volunteers held drama sessions for the girls at Jabavu.

These girls face many daily struggles and it was such fun to see them let their hair down.

Sixteen-year-old Hlengi*, who lives in two-roomed house in Pimville with 18 family members, says the club has helped her focus on her personal growth. “I’m no longer angry with other children at school. I like my English teacher more because I can answer questions – and I have more mature conversations with my peers.”

Hlengi’s confidence has grown and with it, her aspirations. “I wish to become a mechanical engineer or a lawyer. I can’t wait to buy my own house!”

*Not her real name