You’re the gooey goodness

We couldn’t survive without our donors. They’re the peanut butter between our slices of bread! So in September 2019, we were honoured to offer longstanding donors a tour of ACFS facilities.

They visited the Zola Malnutrition Centre with its’ new toy library; the Pimville Centre to see a lunch programme and skills training; and Meadowlands with its computer lab.

Many of our guests have been supporting ACFS for over 30 years. One donor, Dave White, has been donating since he got his first job . . . and he’s still giving even though his working days are behind him.

The ACFS is celebrating our 75th year – and thanks to donors old and new, we’re nowhere near retirement! In fact, South Africa’s children need us more!

The ties that bond

Joy and Brian Whittaker made their first donation to ACFS in 1988 and have been giving regularly ever since.

“We’re committed to ACFS. I did my social work practical at ACFS in 1972 and returned the next year as ACFS’s first social worker,” recalls Joy. Joy spent five years at ACFS. “I loved working there. They are the most wonderful people and do fantastic work. Brian and I believe in tithing and donating to ACFS is a wonderful avenue to share our blessings.”

Thank you both, for 32 years of friendship.

We can all make a difference

Having a steady income is essential in any home. And because ACFS has such a big family, monthly donations are a huge help with budgeting.

That’s why we’re so appreciative of long-standing monthly donors like Jacky and Michael du Plessis. Jacky signed up as a stop-order donor after visiting ACFS 20 years’ ago and seeing firsthand the impact the feeding scheme makes.

“Food and nutrition are terribly important. Children can’t play and learn if they don’t have energy. At ACFS, children are assured at least of a peanut butter sandwich; while caregivers are trained in food gardening,” says Jacky.

Jacky helped found her own NGO, the Shumbashaba Community Trust, in 2012. “My father was actively involved in Rotary and we grew up believing we can all make a difference.”

We thank all our donors for making a difference in the lives of vulnerable children.