2023 Annual Report
Chairperson Message
It is my privilege and pleasure to present to you the Annual Impact Report of the ACFS Community Education & Feeding Scheme (ACFS), for the period 01 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. On behalf of the ACFS Board and staff, I would like to extend my gratitude to you our donor partners and friends for the unwavering support.
In the period under review, we reached a total of 30,881 people (+40.5% from 2022) including 22,634 children through various nutrition programmes and educational enrichment opportunities. In addition, we have been able to capacitate 1,985 young people aged between 18 and 35, in a range of artisanal skills including baking, brick making, food gardening and processing with some having attended week – long business training to support them in developing small scale enterprises. Against a backdrop of increased skills-shortages and high unemployment rates, these opportunities enable them to actively participate in their local economies.
I invite you to read this Impact report and give yourselves an opportunity to reflect on the remarkable work that you have actively enabled in spite of a challenging operating environment which has hampered growth and resulted in significant spending reductions across the board including Corporate Social Initiatives.
Cognisant of the significant need in our nation, our achievements at ACFS and that of several like-minded organisations attest to what we can achieve when we rally together to drive meaningful change in our communities and ensuring sustainable futures for our children. Looking ahead, we aspire to continue to increase our reach in supporting children and youth in Gauteng, Free State and Limpopo from 22,634 to 30,000 by 2026 as outlined in our 5-year strategic plan.
In conclusion, I would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge my fellow board members and thank them for their commitment and dedication to ACFS Community Education and Feeding Scheme. In addition, to thank our Executive Director and her team for the excellent work that they carry out on a day-to-day basis. May you all continue in strength, knowing that the work you do is transforming our country, one life at a time.